HPI6 - High Power Igniter - Six Channel - inc Plug & Pins
HPI6 - High Power Igniter - Six Channel - inc Plug & Pins
HPI6 - High Power Igniter - Six Channel - 2m Flying Lead Kit
HPI6 - High Power Igniter - Six Channel - 2m Flying Lead Kit
HPI6 - High Power Igniter - 2m Flying Lead Kit Loom Only
HPI6 - High Power Igniter - 2m Flying Lead Kit Loom Only
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - Quad Channel - inc Plug & Pins
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - Quad Channel - inc Plug & Pins
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - Quad Channel - 2m Flying Lead Kit
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - Quad Channel - 2m Flying Lead Kit
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - Quad Channel - Module Only
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - Quad Channel - Module Only
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - 2m Flying Lead Loom Only
HPI4 - High Power Igniter - 2m Flying Lead Loom Only
High Output Inductive Coil suit HPI modules - inc Plug & Pins
High Output Inductive Coil suit HPI modules - inc Plug & Pins
CO2 Boost Control Dual Solenoid & Pressure Sensor Kit
CO2 Boost Control Dual Solenoid & Pressure Sensor Kit Includes two 3 Port 1/8th NPT- 33Hz, solenoids, 150 PSI "TI" Wastegate Pressure Sensor 1/8 NPT with -4 AN adaptor and 1/8th "T" Fitting (Kit also...
Analogue Output Adaptor
Analogue Output Adaptor - Converts a PWM Output to 0-5v Analogue Signal e.g for use with Evo 10 AWD computer (includes HT-031016 - Matching Set of Deutsch DTM 4 Connectors)