Emtron’s KV12 is a wire in ECU with extreme flexibility. Industry leading I/O count will ensure you do not have to make any sacrifices when configuring your engine and vehicle. This ECU will support up to 12 Channels of Fuel (6 cylinders fully sequential staged injection) and 12 Channels fully sequential Ignition.
Every KV12 is housed in a durable billet Aluminium enclosure and includes up to 64Mb permanent memory for on board logging and oscilloscope function, twin DBW control, twin Lambda controllers, twin digital Knock control, Ethernet communications and 3 axis G-force sensing to name a few.
1.0 General
Power Supply
Operating Voltage: 6.0 to 22.0 Volts DC (ECU shutdowns at 24.0V)
- Operating Current: 350mA at 14.0V (excluding sensor and load currents)
- Reverse Battery Protection via External Fuse
- “Smart” Battery Transient Protection
Operating Temperature
ECU Internal Temperature Operating Range: -30 to 110°C (-22 to 230°F)
Enclosure Size: 134 mm x 162 mm x 27 mm
- Weight KV Series: 0.74kg
Dual 100MHz Processors
- 500MB DDR RAM (0.5GB)
- Up to 64MB permanent memory storage for ECU logging and Oscilloscope Function
- Up to x10 channel Oscilloscope function
o Sampling at 500k samples/second
o Includes Crank and Cam sensors inputs
o Includes Digital Inputs 1-8
- On-Board Barometric Pressure Sensor.
o Range 40 - 115.0 kPa
- 3-Axis Accelerometer
o 16 Bit Resolution
o 2g/ 4g/ 8g dynamically selectable full-scale
o Output Data Rate 500Hz
Ethernet 100Mbps. High Speed communications channels used for tuning and uploading ECU log files.
- 2x CAN nodes/ 6 Channels per node
2.0 Injection
The ECU can control both modes of injection: Saturated and Peak & Hold.
Peak and Hold - 12 x channels
When using low impedance injectors (< 5 Ohms) the ECU uses a switch mode current limiting technique to minimise heat dissipation in the Injector. This gives better injector control and helps maximize injector life by lower its operating temperature.
Independently configurable Peak and Hold currents up to 12 cylinders
- Max Peak current 8A
- Max Hold current 2A
- Current limited to 10A.
- Flyback Voltage Clamp: 60V.
Required when injector resistance is greater than 5 Ohms.
Current limited to 5A.
- Flyback Voltage Clamp: 60V.
Auxiliary Fuel Mode
Unassigned Fuel channels can be used to switch or modulate resistive and inductive loads.
Sink continuous current 5A, current limit 8A.
- Flyback voltage clamp: 60V.
- Maximum Frequency: 5kHz
- Over current / Short to Battery protection
- Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
- Flyback Voltage Clamp: Dependent on Flyback pin configuration. Normally battery constant power.
3.0 Ignition
Ignition Control - 12x channels
12 Channels Sequential/Wasted Ignition or 6 Leading/6 Trailing Ignition.
- Independent switchable pull-up resistor control on channels 1 to 12.
- Adjustable source current; 35mA at 5V or 70mA at 8.2V for high current mode
Auxiliary Ignition Mode
Unassigned Ignition channels can be used to switch or modulate
resistive and inductive loads.
Sink continuous current 1A, current limit 3.0A.
- Flyback voltage clamp: 40V.
- Maximum Frequency: 5kHz
- Over current / Short to Battery protection
- Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
4.0 Digital Inputs
Digital Inputs Overview - Up to 14x channels
Application: Switch to 0V, Switch to VBatt, logic signal, Magnetic or Hall effect frequency based signals.
- Input Analog Voltage Range: 0 -20.0V
- Input Frequency Range: 0 - 30kHz (Available on DI 1- 8)
- Filter time constant = 12us
- Input Impedance.
o DI 1- 8: 39k Ohms to ground.
o DI 9 -14: 70k Ohms to ground.
- Switchable Pull-up resistor on all channels
o 4k7 to 9.0V.
- “True” Zero crossing detection on magnetic based signals
- Independent programmable arming thresholds from 0.1V to 15.0V on frequency based inputs. Resolution = 0.1V.
- Programmable trigger edge(s).
- Maximum input signal amplitude /-100V.
Analog Voltage Input Mode
When not used as frequency or switched inputs these channels can be used to measure analog signals. All Channels have over voltage protection.
DI 1- 8
- Input Analog Voltage Range: 0 - 20.0V
- 4.88mV resolution (10 bit effective resolution)
- Maximum usable Analog Input Voltage: 20.0V
- Input Impedance = 39k Ohms to ground.
DI 9- 14
- Input Analog Voltage Range: 0 - 20.0V
- 20.0mV resolution
- Maximum usable Analog Input Voltage: 20.0V
- Input Impedance = 70k Ohms to ground.
5.0 Auxiliary Outputs
The ECU contains 3 different types of auxiliary outputs. These drives are suitable for controlling relays, resistive and inductive loads, stepper motors, DC servo motors and electronic throttles. Auxiliary channels 1-8 can be selected as Low or High Side Control on most models.
Low Side Driver - Up to 16x Channels
- Auxiliary 1-4:
o Continuous current 3A
o Modulated peak current 5A
o 8A Limit
- Auxiliary 5-8:
o Continuous current 2A
o Modulated peak current 3.5A
o 5A Limit
- Auxiliary 9-12: Half bride (see below)
- Auxiliary 13-14: Sink Continuous current 6A, 12A Limit
- Auxiliary 15-16: Sink Continuous current 10A, 20A Limit
- Maximum Frequency: 15kHz
- Over current / Short to Battery/Thermal overload protection
- Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
- Reverse Battery Protection
- Flyback Voltage Clamp: Dependent on Flyback pin configuration. Normally battery constant power.
High Side Driver - Up to 8x Channels
- Auxiliary 1-8: Source Continuous current 4A, 9A Limit
- Maximum Frequency: 15kHz
- Over current / Short to Battery protection/Thermal overload protection
- Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
- Reverse Battery Protection
- Flyback Voltage Clamp: Dependent on Flyback pin configuration. Normally battery constant power.
Half Bridge Driver - 4x Channels (Aux 9 - 12)
- Sink or Source Continuous current 5A, 8A Limit.
- Maximum Frequency: 15kHz
- Over current / Short to Battery protection Thermal overload protection
- Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
- Reverse Battery Protection
- Flyback Voltage Clamp. Battery voltage through Aux 9-12 Supply pin.
6.0 Analog Inputs
All analog inputs are sampled using 12bit ADCs. They are suitable for sensors that have an output voltage, potentiometers and temperature sensors. All analog inputs can also be used as switched inputs with activation levels programmable from 0 - 5V.
Analog Voltage Inputs - Up to 14x Channels
- Input Analog Voltage Range: 0 -5.0V
- 100k ohms input resistance to ground
- 1st order 100Hz Low pass filter.
- 1.22 mV resolution
Analog Temperature Inputs - Available on 6 channels
- Configurable pull-up control on Analog Channels 7 -12
- Input Analog Voltage Range: 0 -5.0V
- 1.0k ohm input resistance to 5.0V and 100k Ohms to 0V
- 1st order 100Hz Low pass filter.
- 1.22 mV resolution
7.0 Crank and Cam Sensor Inputs
- Two Independent channels with Magnetic, Hall effect and Logic options
- Maximum signal amplitude /-100V
- Input Resistance = 39k Ohms to ground
- Switchable Pull-up resistor = 4k7 Ohm to 5.0 V
- “True” Zero crossing detection on magnetic based signals
- Programmable Independent arming thresholds from 0.1V to 15.0V on all signals
8.0 Knock Control
- 2 Independent channels.
- Using Bosch, Digital Knock Integrated Circuit Technology
- Selectable Frequency from 5 - 15kHz
- Selectable Bandwidth form 300Hz - 5kHz
- Programmable digital filter coefficients.
- Selectable gain control.
- Bank selectable Knock Control.
9.0 Lambda Control
- 2 independent channels supporting Bosch LSU4.9 sensors
- Using Bosch, Integrated circuit technology for sensor control.
- Closed Loop heater temperature control for precise lambda measurement.
10.0 Analog Voltage Outputs
- Resolution is 4.88mV (10 bit)
- Output voltage range 0 - 5.0V
- Output driving current 100mA
- Output impedance 22 Ohms
11.0 Voltage Supply Outputs
5V Engine Supply
- Continuous current: 0.25 Amps
- Accuracy: /- 0.5% at 20 °C
- Short circuit, Thermal overload protection.
5V Auxiliary Supply
- Continuous current: 0.25 Amps
- Accuracy: /- 0.5% at 20 °C
- Short circuit, Thermal overload protection.
- Continuous current: 0.4 Amps
- Accuracy: /- 0.5% at 20 °C
- Short circuit, Thermal overload protection.
12.0 Voltage Supply Inputs
ECU Supply
- Main ECU Power Supply
- Power Supply for Auxiliary Channels 1- 8 High Side Drivers
- Operating Range 6.0V - 22.0V
Aux 9-12 Supply
- Power Supply for Auxiliary 9-12 Half Bridge Drivers
o Connect to ECU Power Supply in non DBW applications
o Connect to DBW Relay output in DBW applications
Flyback Supply
- Flyback supply for Injector Channels when Peak & Hold mode is active
- Flyback supply for Auxiliary Channels.
- Connection will depend on loom layout. In most cases connect to a Battery Constant supply to prevent back-feeding issues.
13.0 Dedicated Functions
Dedicated Main Relay Control
- Provides a relay ground, 100mA Limit
- Short circuit, Thermal overload protection.
Dedicated Ignition Switch
- Used to control Main EFI Relay circuit at key-on
- Input Analog Voltage Range: 0 - 20.0V
- 100k ohms input resistance to ground
- Adjustable ON/OFF thresholds. Resolution = 0.1V.